WA UPDATE: Washington State Paid Family Leave Law
Employee Benefits
WA UPDATE: Washington State Paid Family Leave Law

DEDUCTIONS EFFECTIVE 1-1-19 BENEFITS EFFECTIVE 1-1-20 All Washington employers must provide paid family and medical leave under a bill signed by Gov. Jay Inslee on…

Urgent Guardian HR Alert: New U.S. Supreme Court Rulings
Discrimination & Harassment
Urgent Guardian HR Alert: New U.S. Supreme Court Rulings

The United States Supreme Court has issued a landmark ruling in the case of United States v. Windsor, No. 12-307 (June 26, 2013), and an additional important decision…

Excellent Example of How NOT to Handle ADA Matters
Discrimination & Harassment
Excellent Example of How NOT to Handle ADA Matters

An alcoholic employee disclosed his dependency issues to his employer. After completing treatment, the employee was terminated. Add suspected associational discrimination to the mix, and…

New York City Employer LAWlert: Commuter Benefits Law FAQ
Employee Benefits
New York City Employer LAWlert: Commuter Benefits Law FAQ

New York City’s Commuter Benefits Law took effect on January 1, 2016. Under the law, for-profit and nonprofit employers with 20 or more full-time non-union…

IRS Extends Health Coverage Reporting Due Date For Some Employers
Employee Benefits
IRS Extends Health Coverage Reporting Due Date For Some Employers

On Dec. 28, the IRS extended the due dates for new health care information reporting forms in 2016.   Applicable Large Employers*, ALEs, and self-insuring employers, now have…

Transportation (Commuting) Benefits Breakdown
Employee Benefits
Transportation (Commuting) Benefits Breakdown

Qualified transportation benefits are one of the eight types of statutory employee benefits (also known as fringe benefits) that are excluded from gross income. An…

FMLA- 4 Don'ts
Employee Benefits
FMLA- 4 Don'ts

Do not penalize an employee for increasing requests for or use of, FLMLA-qualifying leave. Point-based progressive disciplinary policies (such as no-fault attendance policies) may simplify…

OR LAWlert: Oregon Employers Required to Provide Bereavement Leave
Employee Benefits
OR LAWlert: Oregon Employers Required to Provide Bereavement Leave

by Calvin Keith Oregon will become the first state in the nation to require employers to provide bereavement leave when House Bill 2950 takes effect…

CA UPDATE: New Workers Comp. Law Effective 10/08/10
CA UPDATE: New Workers Comp. Law Effective 10/08/10

Effective October 8, 2010, California employers must comply with new workers' compensation posting requirements as a result of recently passed regulations. All California employers must…